Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just for Fig and E-boy

I couldn't let Fig win. Listen, laptop is gone and I no longer have easy access to a computer. Rob is enthralled with Facebook right now and won't let me have his computer. I am honored that you are still checking my blog Fig, it almost kinda makes me like you. I was going to tell you how busy we've been and how Noah has been sick all week and in the ER twice and how I don't have a computer anymore but then I had to go and read Chelle's blog and the women who just had a baby with 3 other kids at home had to go and put a slide show together and make my excuses look lame. So, I will blog when I blog and I will be thankful for my readers even if they are Fig and Craig-e-boy, maybe I'll even send you some cookies again.