Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Thirteen years and counting

It's hard to believe it's been 13 years since Rob and I said "I do." It's amazing all the different things we've been through. Four years in seminary living in Colorado not knowing a soul when we first moved out there. Years later planting a church not knowing alot about it. Struggling to get pregnant with 2 kids and now a surprise one on the way. Little did we know what was in store for us all those years back, it seems that God had a plan and timeline for our lives that may not have always gone with what I wanted but looking back I now see his way is always better. Happy anniversary Rob!!! Here is to many more years!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thirteen years and counting for Bobs beard too. Or at least it looks like it. Keep growing it for another 13, Bob. I like it.

Old School said...


and by the time we get the next post on this Blog

it could be 14 years

Anonymous said...

How about some pics of your wedding day? I bet there will be a few changes from then until now. Jude and I of course will look the same. I won't hold my breathe until I see them. I can't hold my breathe for 2 months until you blog again.

Michelle said...

happy anniversary!
I hear Rob's beard is spectacular??!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like beards - too itchy. Good thing the wife don't like me in 'em either.

Congratulations! You guys are OLD!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, in honor of the anniversary, the beard is gone.
He looks great! He looks 5 years younger...maybe even more.
Happy Anniversary Rob & Tami.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Rob!
Of course, no one might look at this blog again until 2009, but if that is the case. I got you covered for next year.

Anonymous said...

I've been gone on vacation for 2 weeks, and I was looking forward to a new post from Tami when I got back but. . .June 20, 2008. . .17 days and counting.

Anonymous said...

June 23, 2008. Imagine my disappointment. I came to work this morning ready to start the week with a visit to my favorite blog of all time. and there is still nothing new! 20 days and counting.

Old School said...

Hey, E-boy, what is that you do exactly at the ProPharm again beside comment on blogs, I forget

Anonymous said...

I'm allowed 2 minutes a day to comment on blogs, so I have to keep it short and comment only on the best blog. (Do I get cookies now Tami?)

Anonymous said...

Hey e-boy get back to work. Even I don't spend that much time blogging. Cow, we can make this blog site our own "MY SPACE" Thanks for helping out with the deep water start for my friend Dave.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've always wanted a blog of my own. Thanks, Fig, for the idea.
Today's topic: Cookies for e-boy. Does he not get any treats at ProPharm?

Anonymous said...

Since Rena left it's pretty slim pickin's around here. Even Tami's cookies are sounding pretty good right now.

Anonymous said...

Well, that is pretty pathetic.
You must be really desperate e-boy. We need to declare a "Cookies for e-boy day".

But... I am going to need time to get to the store, buy the ingredients, etc.

Can you hang on that long?????

What do you say people? Does anyone really look at this blog?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Wantabe, evidently the answer is no.

Michelle said...

is your baby a boy or girl?

update your blog when you find out, OK?

Anonymous said...

Sorry e-boy. The Fig Boss said no to the cookies. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

Dutchie-boy said no to cookies? Must be you were going to bring them on a day when he's not working.

Old School said...


and by the time we get the next post on this Blog

it could be 14 years

Anonymous said...

That was a might fine cookie you made for me on the 4th of July. It tasted a little like gun powder. Too bad e-boy didn't get any.