Monday, October 23, 2006

The Great Chapstick Debate

I use to be a faithful chapstick or lip balm wearer. I would never miss a night. A few weeks ago I lost my chapstick and went without and have ever since. I am surprised to say I don't notice a difference in my lips. I have heard it rumored that your lips become "addicted" to the balm and that is how the companies suck you in and make their money. I have also heard that if you don't ever use balm you will never need to use balm. I don't agree with that as I have had chapped lips healed by chapstick. I want to hear what you think. I have heard this discussions come up amongst some of my readers. To moisturize or not?


Anonymous said...

Lip balm consists of mainly white perolatum with some other ingredients added such as padimate or menthol. The white pet provides an occlusive barrier over your lips which does not allow the moisture from your skin to evaporate. The balm does not add moisture to the lips but stops the moisture from leaving. Lip balm can be habit forming due to the fact that your lips become accustomed to the protection and when it is not there the evaporation is inhanced. (Take Raging Cow for an example) He is said to have lost 40 lbs of moisture from his lips alone.

Anonymous said...

I too am becoming addicted to the balm. I don't remember who told me to put the balm on but I did and it felt good! Now I can't stop! Is there a support group for people trying to quit the balm? I NEED HELP!!

tami said...

Wow, I am quite impressed with your knowledge, it's like you went to school to learn about medicines or something.

Anonymous said...

Definitely to balm!
But the question comes up what "flavor" of balm? I go for the "medicated" while RP favors "Spearmint."
Just be sure to balm AFTER the good night kiss because have you ever tasted what a medicated/spearmint kiss is like? Ooooh! Yuck!

tami said...

I too like the spearmint flavor but will also use the medicated. I do not like the cherry or other fruited or strange flavors.

Anonymous said...

Who told you to use the Balm? There's no telling what a balm can do.

Old School said...

It's all about the SPF

Anonymous said...

I believe Kenny Rogers uses the balm on his chapped hands. Nicole, Burt's Bee Honey Lip Balm is available at Professional Pharmacy along with medicated, cherry, fruit flavored, spearmint, SPF, vaseline, coco butter, and many more.

Anonymous said...

In Fig's case I believe that would be koo koo butter

Michelle said...

being a certified AVON lady, my vote is FOR lipbalm, and lots of it.

I can't live without it.

Anonymous said...

Nicole, the name Fig takes a little work to master. Prior to Fig I was called UD. That came from being called "Uncle Dave", shorted to U of D, and again shorted to just UD. But I digress. The root of Fig started out as "The Big Fella" mostly when we played basketball. It was changed to "Fig Bella" and of course shorted to "Fig". I don't know why. I just seems to fit. Someday I will write a book about it.

Anonymous said...

You'll always be UD to me

Old School said...

Yup, Parrot's right, you're UD

Anonymous said...

His wife is called Figette, for two reasons, first she is a chick, and 2nd she is less than half his size.