Monday, May 07, 2007

What a week!

This week turned into alot more than I expected. Rob left last Tuesday for a study week in Houston, TX. Wednesday Noah came home from school with the flu AGAIN. Thanks to Grandma W. who picked him up when they couldn't get a hold of me. So Thursday was spent home not going anywhere. Friday things were looking up and we decided to go get the swingset we'd eagerly been anticipating. Grandma and Grandpa B. came over for what they thought would be an afternoon project of putting the new swingset together. They left at 8:00pm and had plans to come over on Saturday. Meanwhile late Friday night Elli came down with the flu. The thing is my kids both had the flu about a week and a half ago. I thought we were done with this for awhile. Saturday was busy with a T-ball game and pictures followed by a soccer game in the afternoon. Thanks go out again to Noah's coach for picking him up and bringing him to his game and to Grandma and Grandpa for bringing him to his afternoon soccer game and finishing up the swingset. I really appreciate the help that everyone was willing to give. I don't know if I could have made it through the week without it. The stories above are just the abbreviated versions. Thankyou Mom and Dad for all the time spent on the swingset. Noah and Elli really enjoyed it Sunday afternoon. Don't be surprised if you see me at the mall this week with a big latte and no kids as I leave them home with Rob, he owes me big.


Anonymous said...

That was very nice what everyone did for you, but .................. Remember when I changed your flat tire. You should blog about that instead.

tami said...

I believe I did.

Anonymous said...

Todd Blows

Anonymous said...

Where was Todd when I needed him?

RP had me airborne when he moved the monkeybars/ladder and I was still straddling it.
...and great was the fall thereof!

I hope the swingset is still standing!

Michelle said...

Aunt Cowel, that is quite the visual image you gave us.

MiniMe Mom said...

I hate it when Josh goes away. I feel sorry for single moms. I couldn't do it!

You are right- Rob owes you big. Better than a latte, though, go get a massage:-)

tami said...

Jaime you are so right, and with Mother's Day coming up I bet I could get one, not as my gift of course but as an extra.

I agree with you I would not wish to be a single mom. What a job they have.

Anonymous said...

I know you already did...... But is one day/blog about me really enough??.... I say NO

Anonymous said...

To all of your readers, The May 10 post is excellent.

Old School said...

How many weeks like this are you going to have in a row, I am starting to feel bad for you, it appears to be re occuring each week