Wednesday, March 07, 2007

We're off!

Got my People magazine, a few new books, a new bathing suit, sunscreen, and a strong desire for warm weather. We are off to our cruise. See you all in a week.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tami!

Where's the vacation pix? :)

Anonymous said...

Tami you have been back, like, 3 weeks. Tell us some stories. I went on a cruise and wrote a whole chapter in my book about it already. "As I sat in the hot tub I could feel the ship sway back and forth until the water sloshed out the other side. I couldn't help but think it was a sign of the rough water I will be barefooting thru this summer. A smile spread across my face thinking of how Ron, Ross, Devo, Braaad, and Bear would fall so easily on the smallest of waves." Come on Tami, get with it.

Old School said...


Michelle said...

Come on Tam! R U busy or something? I need to see pix of you and Roberto dancing at the night clubs!

Triplet Mom said...

I'm back and I want new blog posts! Tami where are you????????